Ticket sales and grants cover only a small fraction of what it takes for RAWdance to bring art into the world. Our budget relies on support from individuals like you. Simply put, this community would not exist without you!
If you prefer to donate offline, please make your check out to “RAWdance” and send to:
RAWdance, 1446 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94102
All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Federal tax ID number: 26-2249457.
Your support keeps us forging new collaborations, creating meaningful performances, and producing platforms for artists in the field.
“Our work as artists — our vision — has always been one of collaboration, not a solo act. For us, it all started as an exchange of ideas and movement between two people. Now, two decades later, RAWdance has grown to include 16 dancer/collaborators on both coasts, 2 Fellows with roots in the Bay, Mexico, and the Philippines, and thousands of audience members, students, co-conspirators, and supporters on the West Coast, East Coast, and in between, all coming together in community.“ Read our year-end letter from the Co-Artistic Directors
Many employers will match charitable contributions, allowing you to double, or even triple, the impact of your donation. We’re happy to assist with any required matching gift forms. Questions? raw@rawdance.org

Thank you for your support!
Header photo by Robbie Sweeny. Footer photos by Robbie Sweeny, Jim Watkins Photography courtesy of Yerba Buena Gardens Festival, and Hudson Valley Visuals.